
I am a life and leadership coach who helps people navigate the changes they seek to make in their lives in order to reach their full potential.  I also train and support leaders and coaches who work with churches going through leadership transitions.  I am on staff with Outreach Canada.

This is my personal blog. It is focused on the paradox which is summarized by the phrase:  “hoping for the best and dancing with the rest.”  This paradox of having hope but living with adversity became my reality after a traumatic motorcycle accident my wife and I had on April 23, 2011 which I’m still recovering from.

I write about adversity, perseverance, transition, change, recovery, and other subjects that speak about how to keep your focus when life gets hard. My goal is to write insightful, relevant content that you can apply to your personal and professional life. 

If the season you find yourself includes some painful circumstances, or you know someone going through a difficult time or need to better prepare for your own wall when it comes (and it will), this blog is for you!

I typically post once a week. To make sure you don’t miss my newest posts, you can subscribe via RSS or e-mail.

8 Responses to About

  1. Pingback: How to Live with Realistic Expectations | camtaylor.net

  2. I have nominated your blog for the new Reality Blog Award! Congratulations! This is a “no rules Award”, you can find the details here http://tinylessonsblog.com/2012/09/20/a-thank-you-note-for-multiple-awards/ . Best regards, Tiny

  3. Beth Hojnocki Roblin, Man. says:

    Hi Cam and Vickey : We think of you often as you have been down this road of health concerns, like wise with Will’s continue health concerns we have had to realize how fortunate we are and how so many others have worse day to day issues than ours. Just a quick update with Will – like you again the hours he lays in a bed for dialysis three days a week, the numerous amount of needles taken each day for diabetes, the low sugar incidents, the heart attacks he continues to survive ——- now dealing with ulcers on his foot, but never seems to dwell on the past, always looking forward to be out working on the farm which he loves. Trust you will continue to look forward, even though I know watching Will it is tough – and we are not in your shoes or his. Keep up the good work Cam. Beth and Will

    • Cam Taylor says:

      Thanks Beth for sharing the journey you and Will have been on. To hear about his resilient and positive attitude is so encouraging amidst a very difficult battle. I’m so glad you’ve found my blog and can follow our journey and receive some encouragement for the one you’re on. Say hello to Will and thanks so much for joining the conversation.

  4. Donna says:

    So appreciated reading your blog today! Yes…I am learning how to say “no” to all the extras, so I can focus on, and really truly say “yes” to my life priorities: God, family, friends and work. Thanks for the insights and reminder.
    God bless you today and everyday!


  5. Bethany Humphrey says:

    Couldn’t see on my smart phone how to subscribe: could you please add me to your email list? My Dad (Scott Burnett) sends your posts from time to time, and I’ve appreciated the perspective, and the focusing it can bring to my scattered thoughts (I’m a mom of an almost 2, with one due in August). Thanks!

  6. Cam – just to let you know that I have nominated you for the prestigious HUG Award. Details at http://tinylessonsblog.com/2013/03/18/1489-words-of-thanks/. Congratulations!

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